Sunday, April 8, 2012

And Now, the Feast!

Focus: Easter
Function: Celebration
Form: Bible Study

These are the first four lines of the world's oldest lover's poem, found in Turkey. The words were written 4,500 years ago. The poem is like 30 lines long and the ancient managed to write it on a piece of clay 4” by 6” with those little cuneiform letters. It is amazing.
You can see a picture of it by searching on the internet for the world's oldest love poem, or clicking on the link to my sermons online.
What a day we live in when all this printed information is right there for us to find!
What a day when we can hear audio, or see video clips of the things that interest us!
It wasn't so for the people who originally heard this message from Isaiah. Paper was expensive, and writing on almost dried tablets of clay was limiting.
Isaiah the prophet, in order to help his people remember the message, used poems, and sang most of his prophecies. Today's passage includes two poems about God's deliverance. They come right after a poem about how God will act to protect His own people.
And the first 5 verses continue that theme. God cares about our suffering. The prophet's poem, given that way so that people will remember it, says: 4For you have been a refuge to the poor, a refuge to the needy in their distress, a shelter from the rainstorm and a shade from the heat.
And not only is God a refuge, but He has given them a victory. Easter is a victory for every believer.
There is strong language about the victory given. Big powerful cities are destroyed. Strong people, foes that we cannot easily defeat will see the Glory of God's power on behalf of His people.
On Easter, we celebrate the proof of God's deliverance in our lives.
And it speaks to all of life. I have to keep reminding myself to have faith. Because Jesus rose to heal us in every facet of our lives. One commentator says this: (In this passage) We read of a people lifted out of that despair through the destruction of the enemy.
It speaks to life in bringing peace between warring parties. The commentator says:
(His victory is like) In international affairs it would be like the destruction of the hatred that exists between Israeli and Arab.
And that is out there, but what about here, in our own little world? Jesus' deliverance is more than “out there” for us. He speaks of personal lives. The author says:
In our personal lives, it would be like the removal of the enemy of debt, bitterness in our job or marriage, even the enemy of fear, anxiety, guilt, jealousy....
When we trust, or rest, in Jesus, even those enemies of fear, bitterness, jealousy, guilt and anxiety are calmed, dispelled, if we trust Him, if we give them over to Him. He rose to save us.
This is what Jesus wants to do for us. And it isn't just those personal things, at also speaks to the deep Spiritual matters in our lives. He says:
In spiritual affairs it is the destruction of the power of sin, evil, even death, in our lives. Satan may be a roaring lion, prowling, seeking someone to destroy, but in Jesus the believer is surrounded by a divine power which protects us from this ferocious beast. The powers of darkness may rant and rave, but they cannot take us from the protective hand of our Lord.
Easter is the proof of that!
Easter is proof of God who gives us victory over whatever is keeping us down.
When we think of victory, we think of a contest. In chapter 24 and these first 5 verses, it is more than a contest, it is war.
And there is warlike imagery, the alien city, the alien stronghold, the alien people are all cast down.
Most wars are about money and greed and power. And we know that religion has been used as a fuel to light the fire of war. Most people would not want to die to make someone else rich, but if they are incited with a promise from their religion, maybe they would act.
But Easter has the message that God is bring the entire world back to Himself.
And if we take verses 1-5, the first poem that Isaiah wanted people to remember, if we take them without the next three, we might have that problem. The problem being that is only about Israel, and we Gentiles are the alien, the enemy.
But God wants to remind the people that His salvation, His promises, His healing, His protection, and His love is for the entire world.
It is highly symbolic from this passage, but Isaiah the prophet sees the New Jerusalem, the Holy City coming down from heaven that is referred to in the book of Revelation.
This city includes everyone who will come into it. Everyone who chooses it. Every person who by faith decides to let Jesus be their Savior.
And in that city, there is going to be a feast.
When Jesus instituted the Eucharist, He said: “I wont have this feast again until I have it with you, anew in heaven....” (Matthew 26:29)
At the end of the ages, or as soon as we individually get to heaven, there is going to be a feast with us and Jesus. He is waiting for it with you.
And it is for everyone in the entire world who believes.
So the prophet adds another poem, expanding the story. Verses 6-9 are important.
Hear verses 6-9 from the Message:

Isaiah 25:6-9

The Message (MSG)
6-8But here on this mountain, God-of-the-Angel-Armies
   will throw a feast for all the people of the world,
A feast of the finest foods, a feast with vintage wines,
   a feast of seven courses, a feast lavish with gourmet desserts.
And here on this mountain, God will banish
   the pall of doom hanging over all peoples,
The shadow of doom darkening all nations.
   Yes, he'll banish death forever.
And God will wipe the tears from every face.
   He'll remove every sign of disgrace
From his people, wherever they are.
   Yes! God says so!
9Also at that time, people will say,
   "Look at what's happened! This is our God!
We waited for him and he showed up and saved us!
We celebrate Easter every year. We know the story.
But again, this song was given to them in a form that they could use to easily memorize it.
It is important to keep that celebration.
There is a feast being prepared for every single person who comes to Jesus.
It is a simple message.
Jesus came to deliver the world from its warlike ways. He came to deliver people from hatred, bitterness, envy and other things that bind us like addictions, hopelessness, and etc. And He came to forgive us of every sin that keeps us from God.
And all of that is for the entire world. Every person who trusts Him.
Do you trust Him? We are not being invited to some sort of club, fraternity, sorority, or nation that is made up of people who win over other people.
No we are invited back into God's family, a place of wholeness, health, prosperity and healing.

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