Saturday, December 19, 2015


Focus: Peace
Function: To understand our commitment to peace making.
Form: GOK

Intro: Thanks to our Advent readings, we were able to focus on the great and gentle Shepherd last week.
One of my favorites from Handel's Messiah is his rendition of Isaiah 40:11He Shall feed his flock like a shepherd...
The melody of that song expresses today's focus, peace.
Last week we remembered that inter-personal peace is the peace we feel emotionally. I should add that it is a result of our trust in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit continually renews that sense and calling inside of us.
When people have that inner peace, they become preachers of outer-peace.
Intra-personal peace is the peace that is experienced between nations, cities, families, friends and with Christ Jesus' help, even our enemies.
He came to break down the wall of division between everyone.
Listen to what 2 Corinthians 2:17-21 from The Message says:
17b-20...anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you.
21How? you ask. In Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.
This leads to an obvious question: Why are so many wars fought in the name of religion, even Christianity?
Does this mean that the only walls broken down are the walls broken down specifically because both sides of the wall have embraced Jesus?
I don't think so. I mean, if that were true, then Islam would not have grown out of Christianity.
One very simple, and hopefully not racist history could be that because of the Jewish Heritage inherent in the New Testament, Arab Christians, led my Muhammad, evolved Christianity into the new religion, Islam.
One could say that it had its roots in the same racism that has existed for Millennium in the Mid East.
But nothing is that simple and I realize that the idea that Islam was born out of Christianity as a rejection of Christianities Jewish roots paints a picture of Muslims as merely racist.
And a fair appraisal will take into account that Boko Haram is a conservative Islamic group that has attacked most of their Islamic brothers and sisters because they were willing to work with us Christians.
That same fair appraisal will not judge their religion based on the actions of a few, but instead will judge the religion based on what I actually have known and seen.
And I have seen Brethren Leaders, Jewish Leaders and Islamic Leaders in Grand Rapids, Detroit, Lansing Michigan and Dayton Ohio working, serving and praying together.
So, do the only walls broken down have to do with those broken down specifically by and through the Church?
It does not say that. I love the prophet Jeremiah's command to the Israelites when they were being sent into captivity in Babylon, the city of the enemy.
God told them to seek the peace and prosperity of the places that God has sent them because when all prosper, from the rich to the poor, then everyone prospers.
When God comes to a village, the peace of Christ comes in.
And when believers come into a town, a city, a nation, or a home, Christ's peace comes as well.
Let is pray for peace:
I will lead prayer and when you hear me say, “Lord God,” please respond with:
For your peace, we pray.”
For our elderly and weakening loved ones whose bodies make them weary, Lord God...
For our young and hopeful, reconcile them to their own growing bodies and spirits as they go through awkward times, Lord God...
For our strong and active parents whose lives are filled with provision, schedules, moments upon moments and lives quickly filling with stuff, Lord God...
For our students whose lives are filled with wonder, challenge, friends and just enough conflict to help them develop, Lord God...
For our politicians who have learned that politics are about setting one side over the other to the point where little is accomplished, help them to remember why they decided to serve, Lord God...
For those charged with protecting us, doctors, aides, caregivers, peace officers, medics, nurses, fire and military personal, protect them Lord God...
For those who pray, serve, give, aid, help, bless, encourage, shepherd, nurture, teachers, clergy, counselors, advisors and others called to serve, help them see you in every client, Lord God...
For the weak, the dispossessed, the hurting, the marginalized, the victims, the oppressed, groups that are not the dominant culture who struggle to survive, Lord God...
Even for our enemies, Lord God...
And finally, for all your Children everywhere, Lord God...

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